Episode 013: The Journey of the Self with Dr. Mark Scott
"Who am I?”
Some Questions I Ask:
[5:50] Would you mind telling us about yourself and your story?
[8:02] What were the main differences in the educational systems between Canada and the U.S.?
[10:47] What drove you to pursue your studies for so long?
[13:00] What were the experiences you had when you were young that led you to your passion?
[14:55] What were the most impactful concepts your mentors taught you?
[16:40] What struggles did you face throughout your story?
[18:32] How did having kids affect your life?
[21:50] What are some of the misconceptions you see in your students about personal development?
[24:30] What do you do to help yourself and those around you with this technological “boom”?
[29:17] Did you ever go to any retreats growing up?
[32:35] Do you look into other peoples’ eyes often?
[38:41] What do you hope students gain after taking a course with you?
[40:27] What do you struggle with while teaching?
[42:06] What advice would you give to those entering the “real world”?
[43:53] What are some of the hardest things that you’ve had to sacrifice for your pursuits?
[45:14] Have you reach where you want to be?
[47:40] What are some thing you hope to improve on?
Some Things You'll Learn:
[2:59] How Dr. Scott and I met.
[6:05] Dr.Scott’s credentials and educational journey.
[12:15] Beginning with the end in mind.
[13:20] What Dr. Scott did when cellphones didn’t exist.
[15:00] Starting anew.
[18:35] The beauty of raising children.
[20:58] How to answer the question, “Who am I?”
[22:19] How not to answer the question, “Who am I?”
[25:43] The power of solitude and being alone.
[27:15] John’s retreat experience.
[28:00] The frightening reality of wearing a “mask”.
[30:35] Holding hands and silence.
[35:55] Dr. Scott’s teaching philosophy.
[42:20] Dr. Scott’s tips for succeeding in the “real world.”
[45:25] Dr. Scott’s hope for HIS future.
[46:23] The beauty of meeting new people and being open.
[47:50] Dr. Scott “making moves.”
[48:33] Dr. Scott’s current publications.
[49:45] Shout out to Villanova University and all of the Alumni!
Connect with Dr. Mark Scott
Order a Copy of Journey Back to God
Order a Copy of Pathways in Theodicy
Email Dr. Mark Scott at mscott4@laurentian.ca
Dr. Mark Scott in front of Villanova University's St. Augustine Center
Part of our beautiful ACS class with Dr. Mark Scott at Villanova University