Episode 016: with Hank Alemañy



"The most valuable thing we can give to people … is time.”"


Some Questions I Ask:

 [14:50] When did you begin to believe 100% that everything will be ok?

[25:26] What fueled your ambition to volunteer by utilizing your talents and time?

[32:27] What are your 3 key takeaways from your experiences from volunteering?

[37:24] What are some of the different perspectives that you’ve gained from your volunteering experiences?

[44:16] What’s your relationship with sacrifice?

[50:02] What’s been the hardest thing about going on this personal journey on your own?

[53:52] What are some things you are really looking forward to?


Some Things You'll Learn:

[3:18] Hank’s upbringing and experiences with bullying

[5:30] A mysterious chronic pain that Hank battles

[10:45] Hank’s perspective on how to deal with pain and obstacles

[11:25] Hank’s true foundation that centers him

[12:20] The “Perfect” Storm

[14:30] Taking pain with grace

[19:40] The reason why struggles excite Hank

[20:25] Facing yourself

[21:15] Hank battles a massive boar hog

[24:00] Breakthroughs from a breakup

[26:45] Volunteering and WHY you should do it

[27:35] Hank’s volunteer experiences in Haiti and Nicaragua

[35:20] Loving your life regardless of the circumstances

[38:00] Realizing that nothing in life is guaranteed

[43:45] Finding peace

[46:15] How to have a successful relationship

[51:00] The importance of patience


Connect with Hank

Email Hank Alemañy at hank@hanksprostudio.com 


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Hank practicing a submission

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